About us

Student section of International Institute of Political Science is a university club bringing together active students of political sciences, who are already thinking about their future career and studies are more of a hobby than a burden. The main idea behind the existence of this club is the professional growth of our members, which is supported by a range discussions and lectures from academics, politicians and other interesting characters from around the world. 

This way we give our members a chance to be in an environment, where they will probably end up after the end of their studies. Section creates a space for networking and self-realization for students, who are expected to be active in the section's functioning and on it's individual projects.

The most established project is the concept of Masaryk debates, which are greatly admired. Apart from it we also organize Round tables and we offer a rich program for our members. Student section also organizes trips to a wide range of institutions. They mostly comprise of international organizations or embassies in Czechia or even other countries. 


History of the Student section of IIPS is dated back to spring of 1998. The atmosphere of academic life on the faculty was different than today. No student clubs and organizations, no lectures apart from the official courses and discussions were taking place only in the bars. This was the thing that the group of students, lead by Stanislav Kadečka, Stanislav Balík, Ivo Pospíšil and Jan Rakušan strived to change. They wanted to create a platform for students to meet together, discuss, invite experts and organize conferences. So they came up with a rule book, which officially marked the creation of the Student section.

Stanislav Kadečka was appointed as head of the executive board and he was later replaced by Stanislav Balík, current dean of the Faculty of Social studies of Masaryk University. He stayed in the function until 2002, when the leadership was transformed to a new generation of students. It also has to be noted that the section closely cooperates with the International Institute of Political Science, which approves of the president of the section. 

Among the first events organized by the Student section was a cycle of debates about phenomenon of globalisation or debate on the topic of at that time well known arrest of Augusto Pinochet. It's important to understand that at that time it wasn't normal for foreign guests or lecturers to come to the Faculty. Even managing to bring someone from Prague was a huge success. The first big event organized by the section was a conference on the topic of nationalist political parties in Europe. This conference was organized as a reaction to an Austrian political party The Freedom party of Austria ending up in the government, what lead to the imposition of sanctions from the European Union. Under the auspices of the International Institute of Political Science there was also a text book covering the same topic. 

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